Careers within the Life Programme

Welcome to Wilmington Grammar School for Boys careers information, part of our Life Programme. The Life Programme is created and designed to give students the broadest possible view of their opportunities, support with contemporary issues and strategies to maximise their destination driven focus. The Life Programme covers everything outside of the traditional curriculum and some within it. It covers Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Character Education, Careers, plus many of the topics that were in the previous PSHE curriculum. Our Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is an integral part of the Life Programme especially around key decision-making points such as Year 10 Option Choices and Next Steps Post 16.

To support these decisions, we have launched the new Morrisby Careers platform. Morrisby is an organisation that works with schools and students helping to identify their career destinations,guiding them to make the right choices so that they can remain focused and motivated through their school life. Students have all used the Morrisby Careers Profile and other resources to assess their own strengths, abilities, interests and preferred learning styles, and see how these relate to different careers.

We recognise the importance of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and ensure that throughout the year, students have opportunities to engage positively with their futures, both in terms of increasing expectations and exploring the best routes into the careers that interest them.  In line with the Department for Education guidance, we have a coordinated programme of careers support designed around the Gatsby Benchmarks to offer a coherent programme embedded within school structures. A summary of our CEIAG programme, student entitlements and policy access statement can be viewed using the relevant links on this page. Details on our destinations are available on the WG6 website

Education and training provider access

Providing independent and impartial advice and guidance means we are committed to supporting all student pathways. Education and Training Providers are invited to appropriate school-based careers events and a list of such events, together with the school’s access policy, can be found in the provider access policy and Employer page using the links on this page.

How is the impact of career learning measured?

We continuously measure, assess and evaluate the impact of the careers programme, analyse destinations data, track student progression after they leave school and consider student, parent/carer, employer and teacher views. Effectiveness of our programme is further demonstrated throughout the school and assessed using the Compass tool and our destination data providing comparable information on the school’s success. Additionally, our careers programme is continuously developing with a formal review each year, with the next review being due in July 2023.

Could you help inspire the next generation?

If you have skills or expertise which you could share with our students or would like to make suggestions about careers please contact us. We are always looking for volunteers to speak in assemblies, deliver small group talks, speak at careers fairs or run practice interview sessions.

Please click the below image to enlarge

Careers poster

Contact us

Mrs Walker, Careers Leader, coordinates the careers programme in conjunction with Mr Smith, Assistant Head Teacher (Behaviour & Learning).  Our CEIAG programme and related information is reviewed annually, however information may be revised throughout the year to reflect new regulations. 

We value input from parent/carers, businesses or former students so if you are willing to contribute to our careers programme please email me on

Tasha walker Bb 020921141622

Please click here to view The WGSB Careers Policy

Further information can be found by clicking below;

Summary of the Careers Programme at WGSB

Students in Year 7 and 8 are at the start of their career journey and the main focus is exploration of careers and raising aspirations. Students use their Morrisby Careers profiles and explore the careers that they are matched to. They also have a Life Programme Drop-down session where we look at identifying their strengths and start to develop their employability skills. 

Students in Year 9 use the Morrisby Careers Platform to start looking at what GCSE Options they should choose given their future career path. This happens in a Life Programme Drop-down morning. This is followed up with optional 1:1 facto face GCSE Options meeting with Mrs Walker on request from the student.  

Students in Year 10 are given the opportunity to do a more in -depth Morrisby assessment which helps to guide their future choices with more in-depth analysis. They also have a Life Programme Drop-down session on this. All Year 10 students are given a 1:1 Careers meeting with Mrs Walker or an external provider where they can discuss their career paths and next steps. All Students in Year 10 are also given the opportunity to go on 1-week work experience 

Students in Year Groups 7 -11 will have a yearly opportunity during a Life Programme Drop-down session to meet face to face and online with employers and employees and experience a range of career paths that are open to them., 

Students in Year 11 have focused Life Programme Drop-down sessions on their Next Steps, and this is followed up with optional 1:1 Next Steps meeting with Mrs Walker which are requested by the students. Students applying for apprenticeships are offered ongoing support as required.  

All of the Students in Year 12 are given the opportunity for a 1:1 face to face careers / next steps meeting with Mrs Walker or an external provider.  Year 12 are also given the opportunity to go on 1-week work experience.  

Students in Year 13 are able to request 1:1 support from Mrs Walker on next steps, university choices, personal statements and apprenticeship support throughout Year 13.  

Gatsby Benchmark Document

Labour Market Information

Year 7

Year 8

To find out more information regarding our Year 8 Careers Programme please click on the below links

Academic Year 2023/2024

Challenging stereotypes in the workplace

Careers Life Programme session

Year 9

To view a copy of the Options Booklet 2023 together with key dates and curriculum information please click here

Academic Year 2023/2024

Year 9 Careers Life Programme - Choosing your GCSE Options

Year 9 Careers Lesson  - Employability Skills

Year 9 Careers Lesson - Labour Market & your Morrisby Profile


Year 10

Year 11

Academic Year 2023/2024


We take our responsibility to provide you and your child with post-16 guidance very seriously. We also understand that deciding your child’s post-16 course can be difficult. Please find information below on the carefully constructed programme of support for you and your child through this important decision-making process.

Careers Session 28th November

Post 16 Options and Supporting Your Child's Decision Making 

How to Choose A levels and Post 16 Subjects 

Mock Assessment Guidance

What you study at WG6 or college can affect your options at university and your future career. Use Informed Choices to help you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities.

Informed Choices

Russell Group Assembly Presentation 


Parent, Carer & Student Resources

Morrisby Careers Platform

Morrisby Careers Platform

All students have access to the Morrisby Careers Platform and during their time in school will complete various careers assessments and complete tasks during form time and during the Life Programme Drop-down mornings. Your child can give you access to their Morrisby Profile by going to the Parental Access area on their Morrisby Homepage. Careers advice and guidance - Morrisby

Morrisby Videos: 

Morrisby Aptitudes Profile - Feedback Video for Students Year 10 and 11

The Student Experience In Progress

Morrisby My Choices Video

Morrisby Resources Video

Morrisby Action Planning Video

Morrisby Student Information

Accessing your Morrisby account


Websites for all year groups

Virtual Work Experience